I visited my allotment(s) today; they look super scruffy. I elongated a small, square bed into a long, rectangular bed - think I may have this as a potato bed this year. I've managed to bruise my spade leg, so I couldn't really do much more digging :( I will probably make it a few spade lengths longer, before weeding it, manuring & covering, ready for spuds.
I also used Pete the Wheelbarrow for the first time - things are SO much easier now! No more lugging huge yellow tubs about the place, wahey! Here is Pete, laden with turf I'd removed from the bed above:
I also pruned the blackcurrant, refilled the bird feeder, dumped all the turf at the top of my plot (my allotment ex-neighbour decided to take a short cut up my plot, and through the hedgerow at the back, leaving a massive hole. I've since put a pallet in to fill the gap, so today I dumped the turf there, grass side down, and sprinkled some Calendula seeds around! Hopefully they'll take, and start to grow, it'd be nice to add some colour to this part of the plot).
I also took some pics of other things; daffodils, my newest flower bed (daffs & tulips at the moment), the trench that is so overgrown it's no longer a trench..
Over at Plot 42, which I took on last September/October, the broad beans continue to get bigger:
And the shed is still white, It needs painting! Think I might commandere my arty friends to paint a mural or something on it,.
Plot 42 also came with a greenhouse. This is what it looks like on the inside - I'm not sure I want to attempt clearing it!
Back on Plot 31, the 'decking' area needs a good tidy up. The strawberries could do with being planted in a proper planter; the roses need weeding; the coldframe needs weeding and re-mudding...
But all in all, considering I'm not up there on a regular basis, it's doing alright! The grass needs mowing, there's a lot to be dug up, a lot to weed, and possibly extending more beds to be done. Plot 42 needs a good weeding, and for some more beds to be planned, weeded & dug. I'm also going to get some half-pipe guttering and put it up along the back of White Shed, and grow things in it - tumbling tomatoes, or strawbs, or herbs, or peas. Not sure yet! Maybe something of everything.
Since I got back from the plot(s), I have sown some yellow courgette seeds & rainbow chard seeds. There isn't enough room in my mothers greenhouse for anything else just yet! And as I'm not fully moved back in, I can't do it up the allotment because no one can get there everyday to tend to things. I think we may have yet another year of sowing & growing things all at the wrong time! We never learn, but it always works out. If Mother Nature wants it to grow, it will grow. I'm really glad I got that bed extended - it's been bugging me ever since I couldn't be bothered to finish digging it last year. Just wish my spade leg didn't hurt so much!
L x
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